jessica lilly

Jess Lilly is an experienced coach and coach trainer with a background in ontological coaching, leadership development, and education. She is a Professional Certified Coach and earned her certification through Accomplishment Coaching, an ICF accredited coach training program. Jess is also certified in the EQ-i® 2.0 and EQ360® emotional intelligence assessments. Jess is on a mission to transform the working world through coaching and leadership development. In her private coaching practice, Jess supports executives and emerging leaders in going from burnt-out-doers to inspirational leaders by practicing heart-centered leadership skills. These leaders practice taking new actions outside their comfort zones to reach their goals and produce breakthroughs in trust, vulnerability, communication, relationship building, and empathy. Jess helps her clients bring their visions to life and do so while taking great care of themselves and their families. Jess is an ambassador for the coaching industry and is passionate about educating people about the power of leading from a coaching mindset. Prior to coaching, Jess worked in public education as a teacher, advisor, and program manager. Jess Lilly earned her MA from American University and BA from Washington University in St. Louis.


Heart-Centered Leadership
Emotional Intelligence
Wellbeing/Mental Health Support
Relationship to self
Secure Leadership – creating secure relationships at work and at home
Communication and Relationships, Interrupting Burnout
Compassionate, Accountability, Coach Training and Education


BA in Anthropology and Public Health
MAT Masters in Secondary Education


English – Fluent